
Leadership Research

Van Emmerik, IJ.H., Wendt, H., & Euwema, M. C. (2010). Gender ratio, societal culture, and male and female leadership. Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology, 83, 895-914.

Wendt, H., Euwema, M., & Van Emmerik IJ.H. (2009). Leadership and team cohesiveness across cultures. Leadership Quarterly, 20, 358-370.

Van Emmerik, H., Euwema, M.C., & Wendt, H. (2008). Leadership behaviors around the world: The relative importance of gender versus cultural background. International Journal of Cross-Cultural Management, 8(3), 297-315.

Van Emmerik, IJ. H., Kats, M.M.S., & Wendt, H. (2013). Combined effects of gender and non/for-profit sector on leadership in a global context. Journal of Leadership and Organizational Effectiveness, 1(3), 4-13.

Van Emmerik, IJ.H., & Kats, M.M.S. (2013). Achievement motivation theory. In E.H. Kessler (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Management Theory.

Van Emmerik, IJ.H., & Kats, M.M.S. (2013). Gender ratios in organizations: Managerial and cross-cultural issues. In S. Vinnacombe, R.J. Burke, S. Blake-Beard & L. Moore (Eds.), Handbook of research on promoting women's careers (pp. 51-63). Cheltenham (UK): Edward Elgar.

Van Emmerik IJ.H., & Euwema, M.C. (2007). Who is offering a helping hand? Associations between personality and OCBs, and the moderating role of team leader effectiveness. Journal of Managerial Psychology, 22(6), 530-548.

Euwema, M.C., Wendt, H., & Van Emmerik IJ.H. (2007). Leadership styles and group organizational citizenship behavior across cultures. Journal of Organizational Behavior. 28, 1-23.

Van Emmerik IJ.H., & Euwema, M.C. (2006). Leadership development in the Netherlands. Utrecht: Utrecht University (Internal Report).

Van Emmerik IJ.H., & Euwema, M. C. (2006, October 25-29). Who is offering a helping hand? Associations between personality and OCBs, and the moderating role of team leader effectiveness. Proceedings of the Southern Management Association, Clearwater Beach.

Van Emmerik IJ.H., Euwema, M. C., & Wendt, H. (2006, October 25-29). Leadership behaviors around the world: The relative importance of gender versus cultural background. Proceedings of the Southern Management Association, Clearwater Beach.

Zhytnyk, O., Euwema, M. C., Wendt, H., & Van Emmerik IJ.H. (2004). Gender differences in leadership behavior across cultures. Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the Southern Management Association, San Antonio, Texas.