Politics and Conflict
Shuhua Sun, & Van Emmerik, IJ.H.
(Forthcoming). Are proactive personalities always beneficial?
Political skill as a moderator. Journal of Applied Psychology.
Kuypers, T., Guenter, H., & van Emmerik, H. (Forthcoming). Team Turnover and Task Conflict: A Longitudinal Study on the Moderating Effects of Collective Experience. Journal of Management.
Van Emmerik IJ.H., & Peeters, M.C.W. (2009). Crossover specificity of
team-level work-family conflict to individual-level work-family conflict. Journal of
Managerial Psychology, 24(3), 254-268.
Euwema, M. C., & Van Emmerik, IJ.H. (2007). Intercultural competencies and
conglomerated conflict behaviors in intercultural conflicts. International Journal of
Intercultural Relations, 31(4) 427-441.
Van Emmerik IJ.H., & Peeters, M.C.W. (2007).
How bad can it get? Crossover specificity of team-level stressors to
individual-level work-family conflict. Proceedings of the Southern Management
Association, Nashville (TN).
Euwema, M. C., & Van Emmerik IJ.H. (2005, May
4-7). Cultural competencies and conglomerated conflict behavior in
intercultural conflicts. Proceedings of the European Academy of Management
Annual Conference, Munich, Germany.