


Hetty van Emmerik


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My research interests include social relationships within organizations (e.g., leadership and working within teams, crossover processes, mentoring, networking, social support issues) and the association of these topics with various career outcomes at the team and at the individual level (e.g., team satisfaction, commitment, burnout, and work engagement).

I am (co-)author of over 100 articles and chapters/books and Past Division Chair of the Careers Division of the Academy of Management.

Awards and Highlights

Best Article of the Year Award 2016-2017 Small Group Research for Guenter, H., Van Emmerik IJ.H., Schreurs, B., Kuypers, T., Van Iterson A., and Notelaers G. When task conflict becomes personal. Small Group Research 2016, vol 47, 569–604.

Distinguished Fellow of the Southern Management Association, 2016. See the SMA website at Publications<>https://smgmt.org/sma-fellows.

Award for Outstanding Leadership and Service of the Careers Division of the Academy of Management, San Antonio, Texas, 2011.

Award for Best Paper in the Organizational Behavior Track of the Conference of the Southern Management Association, Savannah, 2011 for Van Emmerik IJ.H., Schreurs B., and Guenter H. (2011). The Dynamic Nature of Emotional Labor and Cynicism: A Diary Study on the Moderating Role of Conscientiousness.

Best Article of Journal Group and Organization Management in 2011 for article Van Emmerik IJ.H., Gardner B., Wendt H., and Fischer D. (2010). Associations of Culture and Personality with McClelland?s Motives: A Cross-Cultural Study of Managers in 24 Countries. Group and Organization Management 35(3) 329-367.

Best Submission to the Research Methods Track of the Eastern Academy of Management International Conference on Managing in a Global Economy XIV: Global Web of Knowledge, Bangalore, India, June 26-30 for Van Emmerik IJ.H., Guenter H., Schreurs B., De Grip A., Van Loo J., Agrawal N.M. (2011). Ways of measuring and monitoring employees' performance and well-being in different cultures.

Best Paper Award in the Organizational Behavior Track of the Eastern Academy of Management International Conference on Managing in a Global Economy XIV: Global Web of Knowledge, Bangalore, India, June 26-30 for Guenter H., Van Emmerik, IJ.H., Schreurs, B., & Li, J. (2011). Explaining temporal dynamics in team coordination: The influence of team planning and team conflict.

Southern Management Association Research Incubator Grant 2011 for the project entitled 'Increasing research team effectiveness: Authentic team leadership'. The project studies the effectiveness of academic research teams and aims to understand the role of leadership in research teams by Guenter H., Gardner W.L., Randolph-Seng B., Prabhu V., and Van Emmerik IJ.H. (Project funded with $10,000.00).

Best Paper in Track Award Management Education/ Management History/International Management for Van Emmerik IJ.H., Gardner W.L., Wendt H., and Fischer D. (2008): Associations of Culture and Personality with McClellands Motives: A cross-cultural study of Managers in 24 countries " at the 2008 Conference of the Southern Management Association. St. Petersburg (FL)

Best Overall Paper Award for "Van Emmerik IJ.H., Euwema, M.C., & Wendt, H. (2006). Leadership behaviors around the world: The relative importance of gender versus cultural background" at the 2006 Conference of the Southern Management Association. Clearwater Beach.

Best Paper in Track Award International Management " Van Emmerik IJ.H., Euwema, M.C., & Wendt, H. (2006)Leadership behaviors around the world: The relative importance of gender versus cultural background" at the 2006 Conference of the Southern Management Association. Clearwater Beach

Outstanding 2005 Article Award from the Career Development International for Van Emmerik IJ.H. (2004). For better and for worse: Adverse working conditions and the beneficial effects of mentoring. Career Development International, 9(4), 358-373.

Best Reviewer Award Annual Conference of the Southern Management Association, San Antonio, 2004.

Outstanding Reviewer Award Eastern Academy of Management, at 41st Annual Meeting of the Eastern Academy of Management, Providence, 2004.

Best Reviewer Award Academy of Management Careers Division at the 63rd Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, Seattle, 2003.

Best Reviewer Award Ethics, Social Issues and Diversity Track at the Annual Conference of the

Southern Management Association, Clearwater Beach, 2003.Outstanding Reviewer Award at the International Conference of the Eastern Academy of Management, Porto, 2003

Editorial Responsibilities

Associate Editor of Human Resource Management (2011-2012)

Editor Career Development International (with Jim Jawahar) (2007-2010)

Associate Editor Journal of Managerial Psychology (2006-2007)

Editor Career Forum Newsletter Careers Division, Academy of Management (2005-2007)

Co-Editor Special Issue: De Cuyper, N., De Wittte H., Van Emmerik IJ.H. Special Issue on Temporary Work in Career Development International. (2011)

Co-Editor Special Issue: Bakker, A.B., Van Emmerik IJ.H., & Westman, M. Special Issue on Crossover in Journal of Managerial Psychology (2009)

Co-Editor Special Issue: Peeters, M.C.W., & Van Emmerik. Special Issue on Well-being of Older Workers in Journal of Managerial Psychology (2008)